bluiQ Intelligent ControllerbluiQ Intelligent Controller

Your Pools Intelligent Energy Saver

BluIQ is a revolutionary pool pump intelligent controller designed to significantly reduce your energy consumption, operational noise and running costs. By intelligently managing your pool pump’s speed, BluIQ ensures optimal water circulation while minimising unnecessary energy usage.

Intelligent Saver Badge
Touch screen
80%* energy saving
25%ˆ quieter
4 individual timers

80%* Energy Saving

With a BluIQ, pump speed can be set to adapt for different operations, annual running cost will be
dramatically reduced.

bluiQ Savings Graph

* up to 80% annually

25%ˆ Quieter

Running at low speed promises a much more pleasant user experience; sound levels
can be reduced by as much as 25%.

bluiQ Noise Graph

ˆ up to 25% annually

Added benefits

Set timer

4 timers for 24-hour operation, each with an individual speed for different pool features, filtration or heating to better take advantage of electricity tariffs at different times of the day.

Better filtration

Small particles can be removed easier when the water moves more slowly.

Longer lifespan

Lower running speed means a reduction in wear on mechanical seals, parts and general use.


Decreased greenhouse gas emission due to an 80% reduction in electricity consumption.


Touchscreen operation

The BluIQ features a modern touchscreen for ease-of-use operation of the Intelligent Controller, with 35 running speeds from 1200 ~ 2900 RPM by increments of 50RPM.

bluiQ features

Retro-fit installation

There’s no need to upgrade your existing pool pump with the BluIQ.

bluiQ retro-fit installation

Experience the BluIQ difference

Discover how BluIQ can transform your pools energy efficiency and save you money. Invest in a smarter, more sustainable pool today.